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Parish Bulletin 20th October 2024

Parish of Kilskyre/Ballinlough

Phone: +353 46 9243623

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Web: kilskyreballinlough.ie


Twenty Nineth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mission Sunday - 20th October 2024



Sun      20th       11:30 am          Anniversary Mass

                                                  Jack & Maryanne Harte, Springville

Thu      24th       10:00 am          Mass

Sun      27th       11:30 am          Anniversary Mass

                                                   Kathleen Gaughran


Sat       19th       06:15 pm          Anniversary Mass

                                                  Months Memory – Shirley Smith

Sun      20th       10:00 am          Anniversary Mass

                                                   Months Memory – Pat Shaw

Fri        25th           10:00 am        Mass - followed by Eucharistic Adoration

Sat       26th       06:15 pm          Mass

Sun      27th       10:00 am          Mass


Please Pray For

Bridget Sheridan, Carlanstown sister of Eilish Smith and Geraldine Shaw whose funeral Mass took place on Wednesday last in Ballinlough, also for Brigid Delaney whose funeral Mass and burial took place on Thursday last in Kilslyre. May their souls rest in peace.

Mission Sunday

Today is Mission Sunday and the offertory collection will go towards the support of overseas Missionaries.

Thank You

for last weekend’s collection and for all those who contribute weekly, monthly or by standing order.

Weekly Envelopes:                 €363.00

Offertory – Kilskyre:              €301.27

Offertory – Ballinlough:        €297.20


Ballinlough GFC Lotto Results

Letters B E LW – Jackpot won – congratulations to Martina Dowd who wins €8400. Next draw is in the clubhouse on the 29th October and the jackpot will be €2000.

The Relics of Saint Bernadette

Will be in the Cathedral of Christ the King Mullingar from 2 pm on Monday 21st October to 9 pm on Tuesday 22nd October next. Further details on Church noticeboard.


October Rosary

Thursday 24th October – Olive Owen’s home at 7:30 pm

Thursday 24th October – Anne Deegan’s home at 7:30 pm


Saturday Evenings will now be at

6 pm

Starting on Saturday 2nd November next

We hope this new Mass time will suit everyone


List of the Dead

Masses on the First Friday’s throughout the year and on All Soul’s Day are offered for the faithful departed. We kindly ask you to use the Purple Envelope and name sheet from your box of envelopes. Please return your envelope before All Soul’s Day.

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