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Parish Bulletin 28th July 2024

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Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

28th July 2024





Sun      28th      11:30 am       Anniversary Mass

                                              Months Memory - Jimmy Tunney

                                          William & Josephine Briody & her Parents

Thu      1st       10:00 am         Mass

Sun      4th       11:30 am        Anniversary Masses

                                              Michael & Elizabeth Gaynor & deceased family members


Sat        27th      06:15 pm     Mass

Sun       28th      10:00 am      Anniversary Mass

                                         John  & Anna Lydon and deceased family members

Fri        2nd       10:00 am      1st Friday – followed by Eucharistic Adoration

Sat        3rd       06:15 pm      Anniversary Mass

                                               James & Brigid Baugh & deceased family members               

Sun      4th       10:00 am       Anniversary Mass

                                                           Imelda Burke Fitzsimons




Thank You

for last weekend’s collection and for all those who contribute weekly, monthly or by standing order.


Weekly Envelopes:                 €469.60

Offertory – Kilskyre:              €183.75

Offertory – Ballinlough:         €311.50

Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock

Will take place on Sunday 11th August. The pilgrimage will be led by Bishop Tom Deenihan and will be accompanied by the Meath Diocesan Choir. The Fr. Willie Doyle SJ Pilgrimage will also take place on the same day.


Ballinlough National School Fundraiser

Car Boot Sale this Sunday 28th July in Ballinlough GAA grounds from 10 am – 12 pm. Cars €10 and Vans €15. Admission is €2. All proceeds go to the school.

Ballinlough GFC Lotto Results

Letters A B J M - No Winner, 3 Letters: Sean Smyth, Jim Casserly, Richard McCabe, Michael Murphy, Josie Morris and Ann Baugh each get €20. Next draw is in the clubhouse on the 6th August and the jackpot will be €7900.




Ministers Rota for August

Kilskyre                                   Sunday

Ministers of the Word                Mary Donnelly

Ministers of the Eucharist          Monica Shine/Marie Smith

Altar Society                             Frances Reilly/Deirdre Olohan

Ballinlough                              Saturday                      Sunday

Ministers of the Word                Joanne Muldoon            Nancy Reilly

Ministers of the Eucharist          Michael McGee            Roisin Roe

                                                Billy Baugh                  Pamela Ryan

Altar Society                             29th to 11th                    Patricia McNamee

                                                12th to 25th                    G. Gaughran/E. Ryan





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