Home Parish Bulletin Parish Bulletin 17th September 2023

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Parish Bulletin 17th September 2023

Kilskyre & Ballinlough Parish

Phone: +353 (46)9243623  

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Web: kilskyreballinlough.ie




Masses for the coming Week


Sunday            17th      11:30 am         Months Memory Mass - Justin Garry

Tuesday           19th      09:00 am         Mass

Wednesday      20th      09:00 am         Mass

Thursday         21st       09:00 am         Mass

Sunday            24th      11:30 am         Mass


Saturday          16th      06:15 pm         Months Memory Mass - Declan Murray

                                                                 Anniversary Mass - Peggy Plunkett

Sunday            17th      10:00 am         Mass

Friday                22nd     10:00 am         Mass - followed by Eucharist Adoration

Saturday          23rd      06:15 pm         Anniversary Mass - Seamus Cahill

                                                                 Anniversary Mass - Anthony & Ellen Flood

                                                                 Anniversary Mass - Pauline Gibney, Bobsville

Sunday            24th      10:00 am         Mass

THANK YOU: for last weekends collection and for all those who contribute weekly, monthly or by standing order.


             Weekly Envelopes:   €581.00           Offertory  - Kilskyre: €161.35                    Ballinlough: €701.02


PLEASE PRAY FOR: Ciss Gilsenan whose funeral mass and burial took place last Monday in Ballinlough.  May her soul Rest in Peac.

KILSKYRE LOTTO RESULTS: Letters A P U Y - No Winner, Mini Jackpot Winner: Paddy Flanagan.  Next draw takes place on the 26/09/2023 and the jackpot will be €1900.  Thank you again for your continued support.










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