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Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B
9th June 2024
Sat 8th 06:15 pm Anniversary Masses
John, Rose & Philip Costello and deceased members of the Costello and Lynch families
Sun 9th 10:00 am Anniversary Masses
Peter & Ellen Flanagan and deceased family members
Gavin family, Stonefield, Flanagan family, Ryefield
Beggan family, Canada
Patrick & Brigid Burke, Patrickstown
Fri 14th 10:00 am Mass – followed by Eucharistic Adoration
Sat 15th 06:15 pm Anniversary Masses
7th Anniversary Noel Mulally, Seymourstown
Paddy Fitzsimons, Stonefield
Julian & Kathleen McDonnell, Balgree
Sun 16th 10:00 am Anniversary Masses
Thias & Bridie Caffrey and deceased members of the Caffrey & Smyth families
Sun 9th 11:30 am Mass
Tue 11th 09:00 am No Mass
Wed 12th 09:00 am No Mass
Thu 13th 10:00 am Mass
Sun 16th 11:30 am Anniversary Masses
Mary Mulvaney and her husband Peter, their sons Seamus, Peter & Gerard, their grandsons John & Cathal
Thank You
Weekly Envelopes: €286.00
Offertory – Kilskyre: €213.20
Offertory – Ballinlough: €231.55
for last weekend’s collection and for all those who contribute weekly, monthly or by standing order.
Please Pray For
Bridget (Delia) O’Higgins whose funeral Mass took place in Kilskyre and burial in Kells on Wednesday last, also for Tom Brady formerly of Clonabraney whose funeral Mass took place in Kells and burial in Kilskyre on Friday last. May their souls Rest in Peace.
Bus to Clonfert – Eddie Stone’s Healing
On Wednesday 12th June if there are enough people to fill the bus. Contact Eamon Cahill on 087-6649343 or 087-3150501
Lough Derg
1st to 3rd July – bus leaves the Park Hotel, Mullingar at 8:30 am. For further details please contact Carmel on 044-9374818.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock
Will take place on Sunday 11th August. The Fr. Willie Doyle Pilgrimage will also take place on the same Sunday.
Parish Pastoral Assemblies
Bishop Deenihan and Fr. Derek Darby met with Priests and Chairpersons from Parish Pastoral Assemblies in the Kells Deanery area recently. Bishop Deenihan expressed his deep appreciation for the commitment and time given by members of the Pastoral Assemblies to their parishes. He outlined some of the opportunities emerging across the Diocese and invited assemblies to begin exploring ways they can work more collaboratively with their neighbouring parishes, share resources and support ongoing formation and evangelisation to ensure the sacramental life of parishes can be supported and developed as we plan ahead for the future.